Tiktok is a cesspool of garbage and it’s intentionally trying to divide us further

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Absolutely. Excluding the disingenuous, is anyone else really naive enough to believe it isn’t? It’s a Chinese social media platform. It’s the perfect tool to manipulate the masses, considering how heavily social media is used these days. It’s laughable anyone believes it’s not being used to distribute propaganda and disinformation or influence a population. We’re seeing it happen in real time.

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As "libertarian" as I am (I mostly want a small-ish government and want to let "you do you; and me do me"...I would love to have TikToc banned.

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Social media in general is a psi-op. TikTok is an intentional psi-op, the rest of them are just insider threats.

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A life long pathological lying con man traitor supporter passing on/making up lies to benefit their dear leader... never would have guessed. Only question is are they if the Putin variety or Trumper.

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Your TDS is showing. You should get that checked out.

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😂 Funny 👍 had to look it up.

Look up how to boil a frog... Your support and excuses for Treason are showing.

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Good job Ryan. I don’t watch Tik-Tok, Twitter or most other social media so I don’t see this kind of crap. I get my news from national newspapers, PBS and BBC but I find your type of skepticism necessary there too. Keep up the good fight!

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It's always good to get news from numerous sources.

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Good on you for picking up and this and doing this piece. There is just a world of bullshit out there.

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Thank you for breaking this down for us.

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interesting info. most informative is your deference to the dead at the end. let us hope for good judgement from our leaders because those of us that believe in this country will enlist/deploy/fight/etc. nonetheless.

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Thanks for exposing this deception and doing so without inserting politics into it.

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I'm happy to insert the politics! It was President Trump who created the agreement with the Taliban (the terrorists running Afghanistan when we invaded in 2001) for pulling out our troops before Jan 20, 2021 with the notion that the Taliban would integrate themselves with the existing Afghan National Govt. Of course, with hindsight being 20/20, making a deal with U.S.-declared terrorist group didn't quite go as planned. The Taliban now rule Afghanistan once again. 20 years of war, blood, and treasure and we accomplished just about nothing. Thanks Neville Chamberlain.

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If the deal was so bad, why didn't Biden try to negotiate a new deal? He wasn't bound to the Trump deal. I'll tell you why. That would involve deploying more troops to secure territory from the Taliban and Biden didn't want to do that. The Taliban were already running most of the country. To pretend otherwise and not sit across from the table with them would be a denial of reality.

Looking back, I wonder if we were ever in it to win it. Given the constant flow of material and personnel coming in from safe havens in Pakistan, it was essentially unwinnable. Therefore, if it was unwinnable, then leaving was the least bad option.

Going back to denial of reality, what was it, just a couple weeks before the collapse of the country that Biden and Gen. Miley were assuring the nation that everything was fine? Clearly it was not. With that in mind, why weren't steps taken to destroy equipment and to secure a better location than Kabul Airport for the evacuation? I'm trying to remember if Bagram was still active. Maybe it wasn't an option. Regardless, even if the Trump deal was folly, then the Biden Admin. did everything they seemingly could to botch the withdrawal by leaving billions worth of gear behind.

Trumps intent was to get us OUT of another "forever war". We'd been there 20 years and what had really changed? Maybe the deal was bad. Maybe there was no good way to keep staying or get out. Maybe the deal and plan to withdraw was the least bad deal that could be had. Maybe it's just the nature of Afghanistan to chew up empires. maybe it's Trump's fault. Maybe it's Biden's fault. Maybe it's everyone's fault who got us into this "nation building" experiment.

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Daniel...don't feed the trolls.

Great post, BTW!

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Right? The U.S. doesn't negotiate with terrorists, but President Trump did.

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Ryan - y’all gotta be careful,

b/c no doubt a few of these azzphat Trumpie/Pukin fanbois might kinda be like the zombie droids… someone plants the nasty seed in their pysche, hoping they’ll just take the hint and run w/ it… all w/ plausible deniability to the puppet masters… I know it sounds like a really bad movie trope, but given the times we live in, I’m prepping for all sorts of wacky crap to manifest btwn now and Nov…

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Truth can be fragile these days. All the more value in your work. Thank you.

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Well done Ryan, for another excellent analysis of this DIP. You are a great counter to this form of societal attempted manipulation.

The whole tenor of that video is designed to be heart wrenching, to the extent that some will be very suspicious. However for the less discerning, and those negatively disposed, it is clearly designed to inflame and incite.

I do hope Tiktok can be persuaded to take it down - and quickly!

RIP to the real victims and condolences to their families.

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I have no faith in TikTok...given that it's a CCP company (and should be banned)

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Good work Ryan. Trump’s presidency can’t come soon enough.

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As if it's the Democrats fault that the Taliban bombed some soldiers. Who invaded AFG? Georgie Bush (R)

Who proclaimed "Mission Accomplished"? Little Georgie

Who agreed to the pull out and negotiated with the Taliban without the AFG government? That would be the tangerine traitor.

Just another of the excrement piles leftover from TT

That overtly corrupt bag of cesspit sludge will, and has said he would, demand absolute immunity from all crimes and do away with democracy. I hear Putin's Russia is pretty close to that sort of system, have you thought about moving? After all, it is actually your lot that wants to destroy America and it's democracy and freedom.

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I hate to give the Taliban any credit, but my understanding is that suicide bombing was another fundamentalist group's work. The Taliban aren't suicide bombers and they already had what they wanted: The US pullout. They had no cause to suicide bomb an enemy that was packing up and leaving.

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I've also seen people using this to push States to pass laws keeping National Guard units from being sent overseas without an official declaration of war. Even if such laws were adopted and enforceable, these soldiers were Reservists, not Guard.

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While I can understand a grieving mother, I find blaming any political party for the death(s) of servicemen to be in horrible taste.

All I ask of my government is to give the military a mission AND sufficient resources to achieve the mission. This goes for either party.

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The complete lack of respect for all these soldiers is nauseating. How do they live with themselves?

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Hi Ryan, I'm not sure this is the right audience for these incredibly stupid DIP videos you keep showing. Maybe you should setup a TikTok account.

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In my humble opinion, it would be more effective for you to direct your efforts to exercising your freedom to not participate rather than to discourage Ryan's exercising his freedom to inform those interested in his perspective and wisdom.

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I spent eight years in an American Army PSYOPS unit in the 80's you might want to look that up.

Your ignorance is showing. Boil a frog is the best you can do.

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So you're saying everything you know about psyops is 30-40 years old, predates social media, cell phones, the internet, network intrusion, home computing, and all the new methodologies of PSYOPS allowed by the vast technological changes over the last 30+ years. Preach on, man!

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I'm beginning to think that "Dan" is a CCP operative.

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well, I have bought from Temu.com. I guess that's contributing.

Wait, I thought Charles K was criticizing Ryan, calling him ignorant. I was defending Ryan and asserting that there is need for an intel guy like him to talk about DIP and its pervasiveness in "social media." How did I become a CCP asset and why am I not getting paid for my time?!

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They probably watch loads of vids from Infowars and other highly reputable sources. Back before they started having wet dreams about Putin, you would have e been called a Russian spy.

I'd be curious how they would explain away that Erik Prince has a business partner that is a rich Chinese (HK) national in Frontier Services Group that provides security and other services for Chinese interests in Africa. Or that both of them have been involved with Emerdata (Cambridge Analytica) that successfully helped get Ted Cancun Cruz elected, and has been instrumental with many MAGA election campaigns and BREXIT in Great Britain.

Some people are definitely a gallon short of a quart in brain matter.

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