Ukrainians are better, not perfect, at marking themselves with yellow colored tape. Where is his tape? If you look at his right leg you can see what appears to be a black band around the thigh area of his leg. Is this an actual Russian surrendering to Ukraine? Is it Ukrainian? Where is his friend/foe tape? Why does it appear that the color of his tape has been masked/edited? This suggests this is a concocted narrative.

Generally Ukrainians only surrender when they are over run. No time or opportunity to retreat. Russians surrender when they are the last man standing and there was been no water for 2-3 days. Or, they have been overrun.

Think back to all the Ukrainian surrender videos you have seen. It's normally at gun point coming out of a trench. Not being directed by a drone. Finally, Ukrainians rarely surrender because they know what is waiting for them if they surrender.

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I think you hit the nail on the head... This video is inconclusive... You can't tell whether or not he's Ukrainian or Russian... So there is that... You can't draw any solid conclusions without more facts...

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I think, either way, it’s a war crime.

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To be fair War in and of itself is a crime...

But this could easily have been some SNAFU also...

If the drones were controlled by 2 different outfits...

1 was hunting for targets, the other trying to get that soldier into captivity...

Neither really working with the other so no cross communication...

Russians aren't well known for their inter unit communications...

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i find it highly unlikely that ukranians would kill their own people... that would make no sense.

Also what i find even stranger the way the drone was used looked like how ukranians would use them not like russians are known to use drones.

I think this might be some sick game of the russians where they pretent to be ukranian drones and lure ukranians to a death trap by using drones how ukranians would use them and them double use it for propaganda. That at least seems like the most likely thing that happent here.

It would also fit with the other stuff russia is doing... like behading ukranian soldiers ... most likely alive .. i remember a very old video when i was pretty young where russian cut of the head of one of their own soldiers .. VERY SLOOOWWWLLYYY while he was a live just crying ... and i have seen russians doing that to their own that tried to run away also last year where he begged for his live while they slowly cut his head of ... his screams still hunt me .... Empathy something russians dont seem to have. So with all of that i would think this is most likely a russian trap that then again has been used in propaganda. At least this is way more likely then ukranians bombing their own soldiers

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Well, I think that this guy was surrenduring to one drone and a second drone wasnt talking/ seeing with the other drone crew and decided to take out that russian/ukrainian soldier. I would blame that on the fog of war or a comms problem

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i highly doubt that. That would not fit with the russian army .. not the fog of war but they would try to take prisoners this way after they stopped taking in prisoners and murdering people. Russia is pretty well known to kill their prisoners / people that surrender. Remember the guy with the cigaret .. killed after he did surrender just for fun .. thats typical ...

In general i could give people the benifit of the doubt but i have seen so much from the ukraine war ( and some stuff even before ) how the russians and their soldiers behave i have a believe what you say is extremely unlikely

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I was in the German Army in the late 1980s, just before Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed. What freaks me out is seeing the soldier being blown up by a suicide drone. In a few years, these things will be tiny, fast and stealthy. They will metaphorically be the bullet with your name on it. Military technology has come a long way and has gotten a lot more lethal in the last 25 years.

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THe change from pavement to dirt makes me wonder how long the drone operator was watching him. Is it even the same guy.

I feel like wiht what we have seen of the actions of both side the UA would not kill either their own or a surrendering Russian. The Russians on the other hand...

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Ya. They’ve got bodies to spare. Ukraine does not.

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I support Ukrainians defending their country, but I stopped watching drone videos on Telegram. They show the true brutality of war. There is no love lost on both sides of this war. You can see far worse videos than this, it you want to. Trying to make political gain using these types of videos is prothetic.

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yup unknown what was going on other than a soldier got blown up . and you can believe when russians say something they are lying.

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Russia realized they have lots of meat hence they have begun extermination of Ukrainian soldiers. Ukraine are short of people and Russia can hire many thousands of Nepali, Somali, Congolese, and maybe soon will get 1,000,000 North Korean “volunteers “.

If they get North Koreans Ukraine just needs to drop skewers of bbq pork. Those guys have been hungry their whole lives.

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Warlock was pretty good. If I'm being honest, dialog was a little clunky and it was maybe a little too easy for our protagonist, but hey first try, it's a short story so you don't have a ton of time to complicate things. But hey, better then I could have done so no hate from me!

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Is there any way to geolocate the footage based on the surroundings, time of day and the like? Might give a clue as to which direction he was headed in.

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There's really no landmarks to go off of.

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At about 1:00 of your video the observation drone that is leading the soldier drops something.

Any idea what it was?

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There may be many reasons why a soldier might find himself in a situation where it would be pointless not to surrender.

I have a feeling that...

Ukrainians probably have an idea that one of their own that surrenders will likely be returned to them as part of a prisoner exchange down the line.

So why would they instead dispatch one of their own soldiers?

There is a good possibility this incident was due to a mistake being made by either one side or the other.

The victim seems to be holding something white in his right hand, which may well have been the white colored object (a note?) that was shown being dropped on the road in front of him.

It appears to me that a white object is still in the hand of the victim where he lies after being hit.

If that is the case, the scenes shown in the video are presented out of sequence, for whatever reason.

A surveillance drone might yet be flown in that area in an attempt to match parts of the road where this apparently took place with what is shown in the Russian video, and thus determine not only a sequence of events but also reveal a better understanding of the timeline.

Stay Well...

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This guy looks like he asked to be shot in the head. The circumstances and who they are is totally unclear.

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Q: What if he was waving a white flag? Would killing him while surrendering become a war crime? Lets say he was Ukrainian and killed by Ukrainians, is that acceptable? If he is no longer a combatant and in the process of surrendering are there any rules?

What would happen in the US military if solders were given an order no quarter given, take no prisoners? I expect this happens with on special missions but what about your average grunt? Would that be an unlawful order?

Off topic. There was a video a month or more back of what appeared to be Israeli special forces engaging a vehicle with multiple armed individuals. The soldiers engage shoot the vehicle. It crashes and stops. One soldier is seen inspecting the vehicle and shooting each person at close range. Canoeing them, seen in another video from people arriving after the troops left. I suspect this practice is for the solders own safety. I do wonder if there is any current rules against it? Or is this just another gray area of warfare? If it wasn't caught on video nobody would even know what happened.

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Regarding the US question, there is not enough information, although in World War II Americans specifically killed any surrendering Waffen SS soldier rather than take them prisoner as a response to the Malmedy Massacre.

Regarding the story about the IDF Special Forces. I did not see the video, but even if there was no operational value in killing the guys in the jeep, executing them "in cold blood" is perfectly legal. According to your story, the guys were armed in a war zone. If they wore identification that they belonged to a military unit (even partisans) that did not commit war crimes, they were protected persons. However, since Hamas members do not wear identification and if they were identified as being members of Hamas that means they were members of a unit that did commit war crimes so they have no legal protections whatsoever.

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Thanks for the reply. I've heard about the Malmedy Massacre, it was well documented and investigated. I think WWII history is interesting. So much of what Germany and the USSR did to each other are not as well documented. The victor writes the history books. Still there are stories of captured troops, from each side, that never came home.

BTW if your interested in the IDF video I found one version of it still on Reddit. The video does not show the individuals in the car. I believe the troops did what they needed to protect themselves. You can find the video in the /war reddit channel. Search for "Insane IDF elimination video in the west bank". A rifle is pulled from the vehicle. I don't think it necessary to share the photos from inside the car.

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Is it written in the NISPOM that every SCIF must be kept at 50 degrees?

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Bought your book on Amazon a couple of days ago. It’s good, Top. A fun, quick read. Series?

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