The irony is that the woke cult could, if they wanted to, clearly see how Iran manipulates Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis like pawns. However, they believe they are special and not being used as "useful idiots." Meanwhile, Hamas is using the Palestinian people both as human shields and exploiting their suffering and deaths as social media fodder.

Essentially, if they stopped demonstrating for Palestine, Hamas' motivation to exploit Palestinian citizens would decrease. Life loves irony!

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You don't need to be "Woke" to cry when you see children injured and killed. You just have to be human.

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You are definitely right.

If everyone went along with the Israeli hard-liners and stopped any resupply to Gaza, the war would have been over quickly and very few Arab civilians would be dead.

Instead, Hamas gets a steady flow of supplies. They first skim off the supplies they need, then distribute supplies only to those civilians who do what they want. Any Gazan who is against Hamas or simply wants the war to end is starved to death.

Paradoxically (or not), the people who "Support Gaza" are responsible for more dead Arab children than the people who "Support Israel".

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The cult is on the other side buddy

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Ryan, I appreciate your hard work in addition to your other commitments. I upgraded my subscription to the $100 level, and hope you are keeping your head above water. Let us know if all this demonetization BS is causing you difficulties and we can pitch in. Semper Fi, Army man :)

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Thank you, Devil

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Hey Ryan (or editor if different person), worth noting for those who don't read Hebrew that the IDF clips you show at around the 2 minutes mark are IAF strikes of Hamas sites, not Hezbollah (which is the subject of discussion when speaking over those clips).

Each clip from the IDF Spokesperson office is labelled in video what it is, so that they'll be harder to take out of context.

They do provide a visual additive to the discussion on airstrikes, but otherwise it seemed rather confusing to show one while talking about the other.

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Shoot. That is my bad. I wanted something illustrative. I will correct that.

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Can we stop calling it a pre-emptive strike? Hezbollah has shot over 2000 rockets and drones into Israel since October 7. All of their targets are civilian, including homes, shops and farms. Thousands of dunams of land have been burned, both natural and cultivated. Thousands of residents have been internally displaced. The massacre of Majdal Shams was a catalyst for the subsequent attack. But again, please don't call it preemptive. Israel is the only country in the world that is not allowed to fully defend itself. That attack should have happened in October when the first Hezbollah missile was launched.

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Iran likes to use proxies in the area because it gives them a form of "plausible deniability" when things go south. It gives them the ability to sort of say it wasn't us, it was them. The area referred to as "The Middle East" has had conflict for centuries and has been going on since the only weapons were rocks to throw at each other. The problem isn't new, just the weapons. The problem isn't just religion either. Again, the conflicts predate Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, just the latest excuse to do bad things to each other. Modern Iran has always seemed to have the luck or skill to cultivate rich, powerful friends that seem to want to give them all the weapons and help they want to be whatever they appear to want to be or do. In the past it was the British/American/French consortium, now it is the Russians and Chinese. The Iranian people are not bad people, they just have the bad luck of having bad leaders. As you said the Iranian leadership really don't give a darn about the Palestinians, they are just being used as an excuse to stir up trouble and further a political purpose. The ironic thing is that they too are being useful idiots to cause trouble in the area by others that care as much about them as they care about their useful idiot proxies. It is a complete mess in the area that seems to have no plausible pathway to a better future, Sad!

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Aug 27Liked by Ryan McBeth

Bane: A villain who portrays themself as a "liberator of pain" and revolutionary. Known for the usage of the chemical drug venom for physical enhancement, an anesthetic relieving him of pain. Tom Hardy described Bane as "brutal".

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"Hezbollah just launching a few rockets into Israel"???? They have launched hundreds and the whole north of Israel has been evacuated of civilians (80,000) because of the constant bombardment. They have not been able to be returned to their homes since October 7th. Also it's DISGUSTING that YouTube censors words like Hamas, terrorists, killed, etc. It seems to me an attempt to soften comments against there sick Nazi (another word that is censored) child murderers.

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Another great analysis of the power dynamics in the Israel-Iran conflict. For those that think a woke President Harris/VP Walz will be sympathetic to the anti-Israeli factions, be very careful about what you think your fever dreams will deliver. Remember during the the Bush administration it was Osama Bin Forgotten - it was your fist fist bumping, terror loving president Obama who promised during the campaign against John McCain to (recklessly)_ go into Pakistan to get the 9/11 terrorists and bin Laden. Which he did. A president Harris has every incentive to unleash the American military to show that she is not President Biden and to clean up our incoherent support of Ukraine and Israel - the easiest first step is to pound the Houth's directly or indirectly through our support of the Saudi's or other client states. Nancy Pelosi will be whispering in Harris' ear that the best way to contain the squad in congress and shut up Fox News is to demonstrate that American Foreign policy begins in 3, 2, 1..... Harris is a law and order person who just happened to grow up in California and had to conform to liberal California values to get elected. Once her fingers wrap themselves around that big stick of American military power, she is going to want to use it.

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A well-reasoned argument, but I question whether she has the strength / "balls" to do this. We shall see!

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A former prosecutor and a former Attorney General in the most populated state in the U.S., a state that’s bigger and whose economy is greater than most other nations around the world, would, I think, have just the chops to carry the big stick of the U.S. and the fortitude to use it when necessary. Also served as a U.S. Senator and U.S. VP so knows her way around national as well as international politics and military intelligence. Plus, I’m not saying anyone should be afraid of her, but as an outspoken Black woman with strong beliefs, ethics and values, I don’t think it would ever be wise for anyone to cross her. “I pity the fool” that tries😜

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Ryan, I would like to thank you for all of your insights.

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The thing is people who were living in Israeli towns on the northern border have been living in hotels for months. What does Israel need to do so those people can go back home?

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This is all correct when looking at the subject from a western perspective, Nasrallah and Hizballahs leadership are ideologists willing to die for the cause, its not always about the cushy jobs, its also about the predicted outcomes.

When Hizballah leadership believes they’ll lose they wont go all in, if they think they’ll win - they’ll go all in.

Notice - in Arab eyes it’s all about land, win land or lose land, not blood, money or western values.

For Hizballah, at first it was northern lebanon, then south of the Litany river and next is probably northern israel - and after that, all of Israel.

(Hizballah, Hamas, Iran, PLO, Islamic Jihad, Muslim brotherhood and ISIS are all part of the same idioligy - but the west doesn’t seem to realize this yet)

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Thank you for your content, you are one of my few trusted sources of information out there.

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Thanks Ryan

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Am i just fucking stupid or why am i unable to actually watch things on substak on full widescreen?

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Earlier this month the US started again selling offensive weapons to the Saudi's which were stopped over concern about civilian casualties in Yemen. Guess we are probably 6 months off till a new offensive starts against the Houthi. What seems to be giving Iran pause is how well there offensive efforts have been neutralized, first their direct attack and now through their Proxy force Hezbollah's attack. Add that to Israel's intelligence on their operations and personal they have got to be rethinking their strategy. Even Gaza doesn't seem to have the lasting success in world opinion they thought it would. Thanks Ryan for unpacking a lot of information in a succinct way.

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Excellent analysis as always, Ryan.

The Houthi’s already found out on July 20. Hezbollah found out August 25.

If we have learned anything from the Ukraine/Russia war is that ‘near peer’ doesn’t live up to the hype. Perception has been shaped to the point that public tolerance for necessary conflict requires Desert Storm level casualty ratios to justify involvement. Further propaganda has instilled inordinate fear of nuclear saber rattling. Let us not be ignorant that nuclear deterrence is not MAD, but rather a preemptive policy that senior leadership will be targeted directly if they fail to restrain whomever holds/turns the key.

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It is also a measure of desperation.

Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Hamas, what do they gain from attacking Israel? The fact is that if they did not attack Israel their lives would be better.

In contrast, do the Israelis have any choice?

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