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Watch an INFODOMWAR attack play out against Israel in real time

The attack started roughly two hours ago, let's watch it unfold.

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This morning, the text “24 years ago” started trending in an anti-Israeli INFODOMWAR attack. You can watch the attack unfold in real time here.

On September 30th, 2000 Muhammed Al-Durrah and his father were caught in the crossfire between the IDF and Palestinian Security Forces. The father was wounded, the son was killed.

There is inconclusive evidence as to which side fired the fatal shot, but a lot of bullets were flying around that day.

The circumstances surrounding this particular event aren’t in question, nor are the images from the event. However, the nature of the text “24 years ago” and the very specific images selected can be used as a sort of electronic barium test where we can trace the network of inauthentic actors by graphing how and when they repeat this exact phrase.

Keep an eye on this and how it moves through the network over the course of the day.


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