I am hesitant to look for it on X as it would seem to me that more views would enable it. It will be interesting to see what you come up with as far as origin, although other than perhaps having some kinetic something occur there, I'm not sure the utility.

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Go Ryan!

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You do more to fight the propaganda than any censorship.

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It’s not just X, they’re pushing it on Reddit as well. Posting the same exact image and same exact title. It seems like a play to try and shift the narrative from the recent assassination of Nasrallah (and some of the notable Arab support for said assassination) to something that can “keep the messaging on target”.

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Fascinating! Looking forward to your analysis!

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So, Israel kills 40,000 with US made missiles, and you are worried that a 24-year-old story of Israeli snipers killing a boy being retold?

Have you no shame?

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The point is how the information is being used to focus public opinion in a way old propaganda could not be used. It's a new warfare tool better than missiles that kill 40 thousand

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Does it make it not true? You can only deny people self determination for so long. They will rise up in any and every way they can. That rising up is no more immoral than the American revolution was.

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I was under the impression that the whole Muhammed Al-Durrah claim was debunked and that it was, itself, false.

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I actually remember this event. It did happen, but those saying it was Israeli bullets can not be sure.

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Looking forward to it Ryan. Boiler room disinformation cowards - I love it when you break their balls.

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This is not the kind of attack on Israelis that kills 41,000 people. This may mildly upset the sniper who killed the boy. Or maybe not.

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What is the purpose of an attack like this other than just to get an emotional reaction? Or is that the purpose and I am just dense LOL

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if twitter was for twits it follows that x is for xcrement

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I don't use X so my ability to see what's going on here is limited. I found an image of a man and a boy being shot at. That seems like run of the mill propaganda - not some major act of information warfare. In fact, I use the word propaganda in its original, neutral sense, because it's not clear to me that this is even misinformation.

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Considering the sudden flood of the same images from multiple sources and the need for team yellow to disseminate command/control info to it's members, these images should be examined for image steganography. It would be an effective way to generally communicate something like "attack at xx:xx time on xx.xx.xx date".

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