
The Southport Stabbing Attack and Disinformation

Just when I think we can't get any lower, somebody surprises me

The people of Southport suffered a tragic event on July 29th, 2024 when an attacker entered a ballet class with a knife.

Note that this video was demonetized on YouTube.

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The attacker was later identified by a website called "Channel3Now.com" to be "Ali Al-Shakati," but there are a few problems with the claim.

1. The attacker was 17 years old. The names of minors cannot be released by the police while the case is ongoing.

2. The name "Ali Al-Shakati" is not a common Arab name, and may be a nonsense word.

3. The attacker is claimed to be from Rwanda, which has a very small Arab population.

4. There is no address or phone contact information on the Channel3Now.com website - only an email address and a contact form. There is also no record of them on LinkedIn.

5.MI5 not MI6 would be responsible for dealing with domestic terrorist watch lists.

Based on the sheer amount of ads on the Channel3now website it is likely a site that disseminates fake news to earn ad revenue.

The original tweet was deleted by Channel3Now, but their twitter page is here.

The response from Katherine Denkinson is here.

Special thanks to Cyabra for allowing me to use their software.
