Thanks for bringing that altogether Ryan.

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Why not both? Maybe the Russian's are trying to create financial independent troll farms 😂.

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I always thought that channels like InfoWars and many of the antivax conspiracy theorists on YouTube were also mainly about selling ads for witch doctor medicines.

I remember them complaining about how social media cracked down on them and "now we can't sell ads on our channel... boo hoo".

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Right, Captain. But take a step back for a wider perspective that includes corporate media, from CNN to Fox News. If they don't make up clumsy lies like the subject of Ryan's post, they bend/omit the truth to develop a following loyal to the particular outrage they purvey. And they provide that following to their advertisers for dollars.

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Exactly! This is something that I am trying to get my friends and neighbors to understand. All of these media sites from CNN MSNBC Fox Newsmax, etc., including info wars on the Internet and other sites of that ilk all have agenda. That agenda is not to spread a particular political thoughtor belief. That agenda is to make money and sell ads and make more money. They’ll say whatever it takes to recruit followers that spend money or put eyes on their advertising and make the money in that way. You are spot on.

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Great investigation. Demonetized for telling the truth. I bet MSNBC, Fox, and the others don’t have to deal with that.

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I saw some posts spreading this misinformation around on Youtube. It was the mention of Rwanda which amused me, when I saw the postings. Rwanda was a place to send failed asylum claimants if they refused to go home. The newly elected Labour party is now planning to close the place down after UK courts blocked people being sent there. To me it looked like the usual misinformation spread by stupid Russian bots, but either way the Police were not going to release the name of the offender during an investigation, unless somebody at the scene managed to identify who it was. It doesn't take a lot to provoke the mindless thugs in the English Defence League, EDF.

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To me, it's the mention of MI6 in the context of an alleged domestic incident that was a dead giveaway.

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True I'm not sure I saw MI6 mentioned in the posts I saw.

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I love how fact-driven your work is. It would be so easy to conclude that these fake news came from some right-wing nativist group or the Russians. But you looked for the unobvious and rejected that hypothesis. Not many can do that. Kudos

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I do feel that the British media is partly at fault here too though as a result of its complete refusal to engage with the questions the public want answers to, which then leads to an information vacuum that pushes people to other sources of information. Obviously focusing upon the victims is important but people rightly want to know as much information about the wider context as soon as it is known, which incidentally would immediately be provided if, for example, it was a police officer or a white nationalist who carried out the stabbings.

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well done sir

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"Just when I think we can't get any lower"

Honestly all the videos and photos I have seen of Cartel executions, ISIS executions, war crimes etc. have shown me that human depravity truly knows no bounds. Think of the worst thing you can imagine and I can guarantee you someone will do something even worse - to anyone you could think of.

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Social media troll farms be they ruskie, chinese, north korea or some other nefarious organization(s)…. I still only get my news from NPR then filter same through ground news and CBS/NBC/ABC sources, w/ RMcB and Peter Z being the final litmus tests for geopolitical, economic and national/military related news

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I use Ground News as well. It’s well worth the money if you want the whole story from multiple perspectives (Left, Center and Right). I also like that they include the ownership information of the news outlets, as well as their media bias.

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Good discussion. I saw a red flag when that name came up in a X-twit thread.

However, I have to note that the British authorities have significantly facilitated misinformation/fake news like this by their responses to previous incidents. While it's true that they aren't able to release the name of a minor, the authorities have a track record of trying not to release names or immigration status when the perpetrator is an adult. This history of 'hiding the facts' makes spreading fake news easy, because official factual information is not forthcoming. Fake news that feeds the suspicions of the public and the conspiracy theories is easily spread far and wide. Simply being up front and transparent with the facts as they become available would stop this, but political influences on law enforcement inhibit that. Lack of information also fuels anger and resentment in the public, sometimes resulting in protests and riots.

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Very good post Ryan. FYI according to the BBC the perpetrator was a minor and his family was originally from Rawanda. They also say the name appearing on social media is incorrect. From the BBC:

"The force later said a 17-year-old boy from Banks, a Lancashire village to the north of Southport, was arrested on suspicion of murder in connection with the stabbing. He was originally from Cardiff, they added.

The BBC understands the teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, moved to the Southport area in 2013. His parents are from Rwanda and he has an older brother also born in Cardiff.

They said a name shared on social media in connection with the suspect is "incorrect", adding: "We would urge people not to speculate on details of the incident while the investigation is ongoing."

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Thanks again Ryan! Appreciate the speed to post as well

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Great job in explaining this disinformation Ryan!

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So we don't know who the perpetrator actually was... correct?

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The police do.

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Please note riots took place yesterday afternoon/ evening, 30th August 2024 at a mosque within walking distance of the mass stabbing.

Those that attended the riots preferred to let their emotions over take compassion and thoughtfulness to those living with the loss and pain recently suffered.

The media social platforms were used by a far right group to incite unrest.

This group used this event and stirred emotions with false infomation for thier own purposes and no real long term thought for the victims and families.

A large number of police recieved hospital treatment. Damage to walls (bricks used as missile), bins and public property, including the mosque, the target of this gathering. One police van was destroyed by fire.

All this damage and injury caused by misinformation utilising the average person's emotions.

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Hey there Ryan! Looking for your insight into the current events across the Middle East and your perspective as to what we can expect. Would be interested in what you think the next 90+ days look like. Great content and I always enjoy it! Looking forward to your next!

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