Nobody insults you like you do. Your mind will be much more abusive to yourself than some anonymous stranger on the internet.

I do appreciate your analysis of serious topics as much as I appreciate your humorous outlook on not so serious topics. Keep up the good work.

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This one made me sad. Even when you ask for it, it would be nice to see that human kind could remain, well, kind. Watching your reactions to the comments, it seems many of them stung. Sorry that people are mean. IMHO, you seem to have a great deal of self awareness and emotional intelligence, and that makes for a person who sounds like they would make a devoted, caring, and trusted friend.

Anyway... long time listener, first time caller. Thank you for taking the time to explain what’s going on to us. I find it more relevant and real than the sensationalist hype coming out most news outlets.

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Kinda a pudgy Clark Kent.

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G’Day Ryan, As a 55-year-old male on his third career working for the military industrial complex, I feel confident in telling you that you are one good looking rooster.

Your manner and personality have obviously been forged through getting real outcomes from disciplined teams in extreme circumstances.

Don’t worry about those little wieners and their cheap shots, they obviously haven’t strayed far from mothers skirts and wouldn’t be having a crack at you if they had.

Good work and greetings from Oz.

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Good on ya! If we can't laugh at ourselves, the world is in trouble :)

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