32:00 Everyone talks about Russia and HYBRID warfare. No one is talking about Russia and ASYMMETRIC warfare. Russia is using asymmetric warfare to attack NATO and Ukraine. Russia has attacked, kinetically, Poland, Czech Republic, France, the UK and Romania (off the top of my head, could be more.) using asymmetric warfare since 2014. If you count non kinetic means then add about 20 more nations!

Russian agents are being arrested at an alarming rate. Their "resistance movement" is HUGE. I don't think it would be wrong to add the useful idiots and contrarians who monetize and fundraise from it. Tucker, MTG, Musk, Turberville, JD Vance, Ritter, Macgregor, Fico, Orban...

This is asymmetrical warfare. Your resistance movement doesn't have to carry a gun and wear a turban.

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They (GRU) can also hit you and your family with a direct energy weapon while your having breakfast at your home in falls church. That is use DE weapons to permanently disable your opposition. Thats kinetic, it is happening. They can send Chechians to attack your senior leadership in the woods of North Carolina. It’s happening, I hope we’re doing the “this is your brain on drugs thing” to Russian leadership but somehow I don’t think we are

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