This administration is without honour. Keep up the good work Ryan.

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I think I saw some of your soul dying when you said "or forge more reliable alliances".. Thanks for the straight talk, and let's hope we get out of this dark place...

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Lots of number blocking going on these days. Canada here, mourning the loss of an ally.

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We are mourning too. Grieving, actually.

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Down right depressed in my case.

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If it makes you feel any better, you only lost 35% of an ally for 4 years. The rest of us still consider Canada one of our best friends. Still, it's gonna be a rough 4 years.

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I am certain you are right about Ukraine being able to maintain their homeland. I think you should address how Americans can keep our homeland in spite of a (bloodless) hostile coup that is growing too rapidly to ignore.

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Interesting tactical comparison, Lord McBeth. I raise my Irish Coffee(made with TEELYs, of course) and drink to Your health... as well as Toasting UKRAINE! SLAVA UKRAINI! 🔱 ♾

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I grew up during the Cold War. I remember watching the televised launches of the Saturn V rocket and feeling so proud of my country's accomplishments. What I feel now is shame and despair. We've lost our way and are in bed with the civilized world's current axis of evil.

This is not Greatness; this is Cowardis and betrayal. This is not America anymore.

The Europeans are rearming. How long do you useful idiots out there believe it will take Germany, Poland, and Ukraine to develop their nuclear weapons? I assure you this is easy-peasy for them. Who's playing with WW III?

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I had to "duck and cover" too as a kid. You nailed it!

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Thanks for the perspective, Ryan. What's most concerning to me isn't the "cutting off support to Ukraine ". It's the "Giving Putin wins." As in, whatever he wants.

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Ryan, good stuff, keep it coming.

Wars are won by breaking the will of the enemy.

In an interview with Sec of State Rubio this past Sunday, he said that Pres. Trump was the “only one” that could bring about peace to the war in the Ukraine. But he seemed not to be aware or understand that there is one man that could bring peace immediately - Putin. Is our Sec of State so ignorant, so blind in his faith to Trump, that he fails to see the obvious.

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Yes, he is that ignorant - - - He hasn't a clue

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Hey Ryan, do you think the current administration will even bother to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese Invasion?

Glad you're feeling better 😊

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Thank you for giving hope to those who love western values and the rule of law.

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Thanks for that Ryan. It is a dark day in Canada today, I hope it doesn't come to us making it a dark day in the US when we cut off the power.

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I remember the start of this war when the conventual wisdom was that Kiev would fall in a few days. Everyone underestimated the Ukrainians. I think the same applies now.

It's a good thing Trump wasn't president in WWII. Otherwise we would all be speaking German.....

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Thanks for reminding every one of the European assistance the American Patriots received during their war of independence. What America did during and after the Second World War was instrumental in not only defeating a Nazi tyrant but rebuilding and stabilizing Europe and Japan. That was an incredible piece of state craftsmanship and leadership. I am also a Canadian who is mourning that such a successful alliance built over 80 years burned down in just 7 weeks. Thanks Ryan. Continue to speak the truth loud and clear. Democracy is fragile right now.

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What the world under US leadership has achieved with Japan and Germany after WW2 was probably the first and last time "nation building" actually worked.

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Trump is the best Russian card in their hand.... Thank you to the other half of American morons!

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We can look to the Punic War for so many answers. Thanks for this analysis, Ryan!

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Ryan, you are a great man. I am married to a Ukrainian and we do what we can to support Ukraine. Your comparison of the Ukrainian army to that of the US in 1776 is one that I've been making regularly. Slava Ukraini!

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