I'm not really happy about the music that was playing while that man was dying in the water.

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The so-called Arthur Morgan is a Russian propagandist. And not a very good one not to be graphic, but he’s obviously never seen anyone or anything die. I’m not going to go into detail. But he is part of that Russian tactic to write all kinds of different stories as a propaganda technique to disguise the actual truth. His Twitter account is just full of all kinds of obvious propaganda.

The one that does disturb me, though, appears to be a short video of Ukrainians, shooting Russian prisoners. But they could very easily be the opposite. It’s too blurry to tell.

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Shit, I thought I was watching a home video of myself whenever my phone pisses me off..

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"But this really the only advantage that chemical weapons give to a military - the ability to force an adversary into a higher protective posture."

This would be risky to do often, once your enemy knew this trick they could hit the area with non-persistent chems when the attack hit. Their people would be in MOPP and yours would be forced to withdraw or try to MOPP up in combat.

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My thoughts are that the man died from lung injury caused by dynamite fishing type injury. When an explosion occurs under water the compression wave spreads out at perfect efficiency because unlike air, it doesn’t have heat losses from compression then expansion. When a pressure wave encounters a change of density, it partly converts to a shear wave. When a pressure wave arrives at your leg, most leg isn’t too far from water density. So ripping is modest. When it arrives at your lung, it stretches out the tissue with violence. Tearing apart lung floods the area with blood and you suffocate. Anyone here trained that “bullets are stopped by water but you die if you are in water and a mortar or grenade goes off at all near”? Example is protecting boats from frogmen by dropping a fragmentation grenade every few minutes. The steel fragments travel 20 cm, the pressure wave travels at lethal intensity maybe 25 meters?

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