Due to the decisionin favor of Dartmouth College in Dartmouth v Woodward (1819), where the legal personhood of corporations was decided to be an inherent and essential part of Amercan law, there is little that a State can do against any social media or web based entity.

Social media companies are not the public forums, they are legally private individuals. Their sites are walled gardens with legally binding terms of service (which 99.99999%) of people do not read). The TOS allow these companies to enforce and self regulate (no matter how imperfectly, yes I'm looking at you Twitter and Youtube)their users.

If the Fed were to pass laws requiring transparency in images by mandating meta data of images posted online, that might be helpful. Ultimately, true defence against fake new is an educated, critical thinking, well informed public. Yes the true weapon against fake news relies on individuals using their common sense to detect BS when someone is attempting to spoon feed it to them, and the say "Thank you, no." stay curious, stay informed, read widely.

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Agreed about social media's "personhood" issues, however perhaps it would be possible that a state could block/filter any social media site that did not conform to a codified version of some of Ryan's suggestions. That state could block or filter any social media site from being used at any part of state government, any state institution, any public school that accepts state funds, state colleges and state universities and any municipality that accepts state funds, I believe Connecticut already does that to TikTok. Of course the first social media lobbyist through the door could kill that idea. As far as individuals using common sense to detect fake news - they still sell the National Enquirer at the grocery store.

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I read some time back that more intelligent folks are better able to deal with cognitive dissonance and can become more entrenched is debunked beliefs/opinions than less well-educated and less intelligent folks. A sad commentary on human psychology. Just my 5 cents.

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When Critical Thinking is looked upon as a buzzkill, when fact checkers are associated with certain historical empires and realms its an easy dodge for the intended audience that wants to hear confirmation in what they already believe.

Like recently the aurora visible across the US, the conspiracy crew claim its HAARP, somehow a few acers of antennas and a few megawatts can not only cover a chunk of the Northern Hemisphere but also alters the weather and climates and that idea is accepted as fact, but showing data of the 27 gigatons of CO2 pumped annually into the atmosphere from merely burning carbon to boil water and move pistons is dismissed as a lie, or then the whataboutism games of a secret cabal of Green meanies wanting money while the legacy money of fossil capitalism rakes in tens of billions every quarter in an industry we also subsidize.

Go back a year to East Palestine train derailment, I seen lots of crazy in the local comments on facebook and WKBN, and this was some concerted attack/effort to poison us and the damage the crops, but the failed crops of 100 degree days in the South and Southwest thats spacelasers and HAARP.

Hell Flatearthers rail on the tag message on You tube with every one of their videos as suppression of the "Truth" about flat earth, all while ignoring that the same exact tag shows up on our debunking videos that counter their beliefs.

Social Media is like the gift to any intelligence service, they dont need to send assets into harms way, they dont even need to recruit willing participants overseas they can just post stuff out there to be picked up and spread around as fact.

I remember reading a Nintendo game strategy book in the early 90's and the one comment was about Tetris how the Soviet Union won with this game having never fired a single shot or missile at us.

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"Freedom of speech" + mandatory XYZ isn't freedom of speech.

Biggest problem with any government-mandated "misinformation" solution, ESPECIALLY one that includes a "truth score" is: who decides? You're going to let who, the government decide what counts as "the truth." They're the world's biggest source of lies!

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For the most part, I find stuff that comes out of professionally staffed federal and state agencies to be reliable and relatively facts oriented. Government in a normal civilized country are just people with jobs and most of them try to do their jobs. Some may suck at it and some abuse their power but I’ve traveled the world and seen much worse almost everywhere.

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You know how you end that? Make them the unchecked arbiters of truth.

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Yea but that’s not what’s happening - there’s no suggestion to make them the sole arbiter of anything. Any lawyer who can spell 1A will make short work of that one. But considering the amount of weaponized propaganda these days and the reach it has - half the Americans think unemployment is the worst it’s been in 50 years - having state or federal govt seal of approval is definitely preferred to having Chinese or Russian agenda sold as local news. Of course implementation will decide if it’s actually working, but I will bet my last 6pack that nobody will actually shut up because of that

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The ad at the end of the video is hilarious.

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Start by fact checking the repeated non stop lies spewed daily on “Truth Social”

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The fact that 49% or so believe explicit opposites of objective reality they could check in a few seconds (like whether unemployment is at historical high or historical low, or that crime is up and markets are down - all patently false agenda proper) is very disheartening. How do you deal with a plurality that wants to be fooled ?

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Ref Copyright - What about "fair use" of such material?

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It’s a thorny issue, we’re in a phase 3 destabilization, anyone you try to correct has already been either polarized (and won’t critically think) or are apathetic (don’t care). So arresting or silencing people for pushing propaganda may not remedy the situation. It could just reinforce the narrative that “they silenced him” “he knew about the Soros- Blackrock-Blackwater-Hamas-Moderna-NATO war mongering. Or the “NRA got to the Supreme Court types”. I struggle to find a solution that doesn’t have potential for abuse. It’s like we have start over by reeducating people, changing university politics, convince politicians to not ride the wave, or feeding the fire, make journalists scrupulous….. one could argue it’s an existential threat and it is but you can’t fix these issues in our system in any short term I think

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