
How a Flamethrower Fundraiser Ignited Misinformation

A Deep Dive into the Spread of Deception, the Power of Virality, and the Need for Media Literacy

On September 15th, Missouri State Senators Bill Eigel and Nick Schroer attended a fundraiser where they fired flamethrowers at cardboard boxes. The picture and a video from this event later went viral in a disinformation campaign.

The original image is below:

From Twitter. @NickBSchroer

The first tweet from Senator Nick Schroer.


The next day, twitter user Jake Jackson posted a video.

Which was retweeted by Senator Schroer.

The first negative spreader appears.

A second negative spreader appears three minutes later.

Left wing Activist Jonathan Riley picks up on the story and adds his own disinformation.

The story spreads to TikTok.

I will continue to analyze the spread of this to determine how foreign adversaries are using this story for their own agenda.

I reached out to State Senators Bill Eigel and Nick Schroer. Senator Eigel did not get back to me. Senator Schroer did not return my questions before the date of publication.

The Kansas City Star broke the original story on Monday, September 18th.