I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who sees that truth now...

Looking back at WWII we see it officially began Sept 9th, 1939...

But as you point out, actually had elements of it start much sooner... China for instance was invaded by Japan well before they bombed Pearl Harbor... Germany had taken back the Sudetenland before invading Poland... Getting very little in pushback from the rest of the world because they didn't want another war and frankly didn't care that much about the affected Countries if we're being honest about it... Putin seized Crimea with minimal pushback for exactly the same reason... Everyone had an excuse not to go to war... Obama couldn't have gone it alone even if he wanted to, the public backlash would have lost him the Presidency... Say what you will, but no one goes to war if they think it will lose them an election... And some will go to war if they think it will win them one...

Our grandchildren and later generations may end up looking back at all of this, for us recent history, and question what we were thinking when we didn't respond sooner and with more force to prevent what could end up being catastrophic later...

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Russian propaganda = 25+ years of post- modernism criticizing Western institutions and liberalism. (Kuznar 2008:78) . As Ryan says, serial, cumulative pieces of misinformation-

1-question reality and representation (it's all “fake”). All history, literature, religion, is wrong/biased). Creates loss of trust with each other and ourselves. Life is portrayed as a movie/game, fact and fiction becomes inseparable.

2 make social media and documents the battleground by isolating text and language as “phenomena/phenomenology". For example, this allows Universities to teach qualitative analysis (opinions and feelings) are equal to (or more important than quantitative analysis (numbers, votes)

3-By applying literary analysis, words and images become weapons. For example, universities deconstruct “metanarratives” (such as history) with counter-storytelling (revisionism).

4 argue against method and evaluation (science) . The confusion during Covid, for example.

One outcome- encourages governments to fire scientists, as Canada has done.

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Mr. McBeth,

If ever V. Putin was to come to the belief Russia cannot subjugated Ukraine, and needing to rid himself of this quagmire before Russian regime change was to gain momentum. Is it conceivable that V. Putin use tactical nuclear strike(s) to cover a complete withdrawal of troop from Ukraine? Salt the earth and ground if you would. Clearly this would put his cronies like DPR and LPR in harm’s way, however is it conceivable in this scenario?


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Reasonable question imho...

But I'd say it would serve him no purpose and just withdrawing after the tremendous losses they've suffered so far would mark the end of Putin... I honestly think he end of this will only come after Russia suffers an enormous defeat or Regime change is done in Russia... And that might not work either because even worse people could end up being in charge and actually start a large scale war... Only time will tell which way the pendulum swings... Everything else is at best speculation...

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Thank you Ryan for a thoughtful and comprehensive piece of commentary. Regarding your comments on the propaganda/misinformation war, I recommend to you (if you haven’t already read it) and your readers, the article by Anne Applebaum in the Atlantic titled “ The New Propaganda War”. Her views are rather more pessimistic than yours as she discusses how China and Russia are making common cause with MAGA Republicans in this country to discredit liberal democracy around the world.

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as it stands, to those who know, nuclear devices have a shelf-life, and america still replaces plutonium pits for their triggers. how likely is it that Russia has been spending the same amount of money on new cores?

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I am a paid subscriber and I would like to use your diagram of the domains of warfare. Do you have it somewhere I can grab it?

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Always enjoy your posts, opinion, Ryan!

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When Russia openly uses direct energy weapons (less lethal) but permanently disabling, at last count over 1500 US citizens both on USA soil abroad “embassies, consulates, annexes”, on home turf NOVA, Florida, DC, Virginia you have a war. In Ukraine it started somewhere in 2007 maybe 2006 but was in full swing when I lived there. It was not pressure, it was Russian neutralize Americans in our territory. Legally they viewed Ukraine as something like Puerto Rico and they did deal with people they did not like. They used retired GRU, Wagner types, and collaborating security service plants. Lot that could be said but yes we are at war, for whatever reason the political powers either don’t accept that or have a fundamental problem with understanding modern warfare. In their world you can have a conference, give concessions, kling to shit assessments, buy counter assessments; whatever, end result they are wearing blinders, the enemy (while somewhat inept in certain areas) has a huge head start and they have fire in their belly, as coach you to say. First step to fixing a problem is to admit that there is a problem. Are we there yet?

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Uhmmmn …

… yeah:

‘Zeitgeist’ - the general intellectual, moral and cultural spirit of an era.

Recent usage in a sentence…

‘Legally, passing a fishing ban in America’s anti-regulatory zeitgeist seems unlikely.’

- Laura Trethewey, Smithsonian Magazine, 1 September 2023

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Social Media…

… seems to be an ever deeper ‘rabbit hole’ down which many of our citizens are falling as America’s social and political ‘zeitgeist’ has been systematically warped by foreign adversaries in a manner that has been both ruining our country and aiding their agendas.

I feel World War III has been underway for more than a decade.

It is being fought on the internet one post, comment and tweet at a time.

And we appear to be losing,…

… big time!

Stay Well

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Appreciate your insight as always

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