I am sorry but as an American this is embarrassing. Where are our tax dollars going. I mean they didn't bring any tugboats.?

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Worse, they didn't even have any tugboats!

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My worlds collided again. You and Cappy at the baseball game. Now Sal wearing your shirt. You do a video with Ward Carroll and get the trifecta!

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Wow, I knew the Pier to nowhere was a stupid and embarrassing project but this is just obscene.

We're wasting who knows how much money, positioning a dozen ships, and risking the lives of both soldiers and sailors to deliver comparatively minuscule amounts of aid to people that hate us, and are at war with one of our allies. At a time when our two most logistically focused branches are so poor and decrepit that they don't even have any tug boats available.

I'll bet a huge number of troops involved in these shows are not going to reenlist, this is so bad for morale.

Shit like this is why we lose wars, and how we'll lose the next one. Moron beurocrats in the White House demand things for blatantly political reasons if time serving generals without the backbone to refuse this criminal waste of military resources, and the boys and girls on the ground and sea pay the price.

Hope Joe Biden getting those 600 votes in Dearbornistan is worth it.

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This is a very bad look for the American military.

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I predict Hamas will mortar this once running smooth using captured IDF shells from a location next to IDF.

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Wasn’t he the cop brother in Breaking Bad

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