(Original Version) Fact Checking the Tucker Carlson - Col MacGregor Interview

The truth has a roof, but the sky's the limit with lies.

NOTE: There is a newer version of this video with more footnotes here.

This critique is protected by fair use doctrine for commentary, criticism, news reporting, and scholarly reports.

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The original Tucker Carlson Col MacGregor Interview can be found here.

The 3:1 wounded to killed casualty ratio can be found here. Note that the paper states that “With recent medical advances, however, the U.S. wounded-to-killed ratio today ranges anywhere from 10:1 to 17:1.” This may have been true due to the COIN environment of Iraq and Afghanistan where MEDEVAC was not threatened with a contested environment. Read my article Goodbye MEDEVAC Bird for more on how LSCO may change the medical environment back to the traditional 3:1 ratio.

The figure of 500,000 serving in the Ukrainian Army came from The Guardian. Note that the Wikipedia answer is different, but includes reserves.

Nuclear Weapons in Europe provided by the Arms Control Center.

Fact sheets on versions of the M2 Bradley from BAE Systems.

My video on the AT-4 Rocket “found” in Mexico.

The article on Imminent Danger Pay is here.

The Palantir AIP video is here.

Islam in Russia.

The Yakut people.

Dr. Caroline Orr Bueno’s Weaponized Spaces Article on “Hawaii, not Ukraine.”

The source of the $700 payment rumor.