
We all definitely knew these guys... but going to kill Ukrainians cuz the Marines kicked you out is a special type of fuck up.

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Ryan, you're using your discharge terminology confusingly.

Administrative Discharges:

1. Honorable

2. Under Honorable Conditions (General)

3. Under Other than Honorable Conditions (UOTHC)

Punitive Discharges (as punishment for a court-martial conviction)

1. Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD; enlisted only)

2. Dishonorable Discharge (enlisted only)

3. Dismissal (officers only, tantamount to a dishonorable discharge)

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

Also, not to be overly legalistic, those completing their initial enlistment don't get "discharged" - they are separated. The difference has to do with the fact that when you enlist for the first time, the length of your enlistment notwithstanding, you end up on the DoD books for 8 years and will remain in IRR for the remainder of 8 years after separating from active duty. ("Discharge" means a complete absence of any residual obligations.) Which brings up a whole another interesting topic: If this cat was separated with a general discharge after his initial term of service, he still owes the Uncle Sam his IRR time. Now...although IRR status does not entail being subject to the UCMJ, the fact remains that he is still technically a servicemen in the USMC writ-large (assigned to s Reserve Control Group of some sort). And there have been several cases whereby IRR servicemembers were prosecuted for conduct unbecoming while in the IRR status whether by court martial (being ordered on active duty for trial purposes) or via federal court. So...chances are, he just attracted unwanted attention from the federal government.

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Joining the Russian army today is not simple for an American citizen. First, you must be able to read and speak Russian. Neither the English interviewer or the "Arizona boy" show any Russian army insignia, dog tags or exchange any Russian language greeting, I doubt that they have joined a regular Russian army unit. More likely they are in a militia in the Donbas based on background voices heard during the interview. Here are the next steps to join the Russian Army:

Go to Russia. Visit the selection point for contract service. Submit an application and all the necessary

documents in Russian. Take medical and psychological testing and pass physical standards. Get military transportation documents. Arrive at a military unit and sign a contract for military service.

Take intensive training courses. If you have successfully passed all these stages, then congratulations,

you are part of the Russian army. Experience Dedovshchina (rule of the grandfathers). Prepare to die.

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Former 48E FAO here...The enlistment process you described above is generally correct since about 2011-2012 when the Russian Army had a really big pay raise. However, it pretty much went out of the window after February 2022. They now have a number of "side door" methods whereby almost anyone with very tenuous Russian residency documents and a minimal (or virtually nonexistent) Russian language proficiency can join the ranks. If you understand Russian (or Ukrainian), I would recommend you to go to Volodymir Zolkin's Youtube channel where he and his sidekick Dmytro Karpenko interview the Russian EPWs. You will encounter a number of specimens from Nepal, India (?) and a number of African nations.

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Hi Ryan, I don’t know how much of what this guy said is true, but I will tell you, being a retired LEO, that most agencies at the time wouldn’t take you if you refused the Covid shot. This is no big deal for me because I’ve had dozens of Vaccines over the years. But for some guys, this was a big deal. And guess what? Science has shown us that the Covid vaccine DID have a detrimental effect on quite a few people. So those who refused the vaccine, that had a bad feeling about taking it, were proven to be correct by later scientific studies.

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That's an exaggeration. As in all vaccinations there is risk and demonstrably the risk of dying of COVID went down with the introduction of the vaccine. If you compare states where vaccinations were encouraged vs. states where it was discouraged show that death rates dropped. You can look it up and see the scientific reports by NIH and CDC.

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Currently, according to the national health service, one in 800 people were seriously injured or killed by the vaccine. Do you think that is serious enough? Do you think that is exaggerated? Because it was a study done by the British government, by impartial scientists, who just want to know the truth.

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So a legitimate British Doctor Who reads medical journals is somehow disinformation? Dude, you need to get out of the bubble.

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Wow, real disinformation. These is not a report from NHS typical nothing there. Show where the info. comes from you can't say that the NHS says that 1 in 800 were seriously injured or killed without showing where it came from. Anti-vaxers make me tired. Facts matter show me the numbers from the NHS.

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PS I am not an anti-VAX, but I am anti-propaganda, especially when that propaganda is put up by the US government and Dr. Fauci. I am actually very pro vaccine, I’ve had almost every vaccine in existence because my dad was a doctor. That said there was a lot of dishonesty regarding the Covid vaccine, which you would find out if you got out of your, left-wing propaganda bubble

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

SMH, Your supposed Doctor is not a physician just a nurse with a PHD in Nursing and you doesn't show the facts. I know a lot of Doctors in fact will be talking to a ID guy today. You have not given any facts or links to facts just another lame Nurse who doesn't show facts just opinion. Have a great day. :-)

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Interesting analysis, Ryan. Interesting that no photos of this guy showed up online. It's big jump from "I won't take the vaccine" to "I signed up with the Russian army". It really suggests that some serious information is being left out of his narrative. The suggestion below that he came from a Russian family might make sense, but overall, it just seems like a deeply stupid thing to do. Thanks for posting this.

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The guy has some strange sounds: when he said "but am", when he says "that" it sound like he starts with a d sound. Maybe he has some a Russian heritage, everything is possible.

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I wonder if his MOS required a clearance? And if he's facing consequences if he lives and returns?

Sounds like his "buddy" has been at it a while. Which means he's bringing value to the Russian army. How is that? Otherwise he would be organic armor on top of a bmp. Like the Africa corp. And most other foreign fighters.

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For all of the reasons pointed out in the comments, there isn’t enough information for me to conclude that the video is anything but a hoax or bad propaganda.

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This mutt thinks he's gonna find freedom in the Russian Army? He'll be lucky if the Russian soldiers don't beat his sorry ass half to death in one of their notorious hazing rituals.

It also makes you wonder what other lawful order he refused to obey? Other vaccinations? The Marines take a bunch like Hep A, MMR, polio, influenza, typhoid, Anthrax, Meningococcal, Japanese encephalitis, and malaria chemoprophylaxis. Any of those he refused to take or was it just COVID? Because the US Military had good reason to require the vaccine. COVID killed nearly a thousand active duty and over 700,000 soldiers and Marines got sick.

The military is all about readiness. There's no way that they can have a deployment when the troops are sick in bed and some of them on ventilators trying to recover from a COVID infection.

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If he's legit, we don't want him anymore anyways. We had someone get kicked out for doing coke, because he was an idiot and wasn't careful. Half the camp was doing coke and no one else got caught.

Anyways, he made a joke on snapchat about joining ISIS next, while we were away in the field. Things did not go well for him once we got back from the field, our Gunny told us if something happened to that kid that he wouldn't look into it.

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Did Russell Bentley ever serve ?

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