I unfortunately lived in Haiti as a kid, my parents were marine biologists. Many wonderful places and people in the Caribbean; however, we left Haiti inside 3 months with a quickness. Very dangerous even in the eighties. I remember two things. Near total Lack of trees and red mud everywhere. The land was completely destroyed from over exploitation. Cross into Dominica and it’s completely different. Jamaica at this time was wonderful, where we spent the most time. That area has also taken a nose dive into crime. Haitians ate mostly chickens and fish. Jamaicans ate chickens, fish, goats, cows, land crabs. I don’t remember cats or dogs being on the menu ever and we were surrounded by normal average people. This eating pets thing is shit…. Now next to ODU there was the cheapest Chinese food joint around, 1qt chicken fried rice for 1.99 in 2000. Great deal. They actually got caught killing cats and putting it in the fried rice. So I ate cat, tastes like rabbit or chicken leg. Not something I like to remember though.
Going on an immigrant eats pets trope during election is just low. Plenty of real things to go after in immigration, drugs, crime, driving w/o licenses, dui’s etc but eating pets common.
Now you know who eats pets? Russian vdv from Buryatia and I have proof of that. Ammo boxes filled with skinned animals amongst the shit they left abandoned along the Kyiv Yirpin ring road and Zhotomyr highway.
That said I have seen people swack geese in Walmart stormwater ponds in Norfolk, funny I thought because I was a USFWS intern then, wanted to point out that it’s a federal crime. Honestly we killed migratory birds that refused to migrate so my give a shit meter wasn’t high. If you want to eat heavy metal infused air rats like seagulls or pond geese you Must be pretty desperate. I’ve seen homeless do this too. It’s pretty much doing everyone a public service whether you
Canada Geese not fed corn taste awful.I base this on talking to a man shooting geese behind my house when I was little. He said the geese are stringy and smell like swamp due to eating from ponds. He explained you melt away fat, throw it away, replace with chicken fat, then add lots of cranberries, grapes, etc. Does it taste good then? No, still not good.
Mmm, I’ll agree that this is an exaggeration regarding pets being eaten, but there’s a lot of serious issues going on with all those Haitians dumped off in Springfield, Ohio and the same is happening elsewhere, like Pennsylvania as ex CIA operations officer Sam Faddis wrote about as well…
You clearly haven't internalised even the first few minutes of Ryan's video - they weren't "dumped", they congregated there by the concentration of jobs which don't require education.
I'm sure you read the article that DS linked to. There are real problems caused by the influx of people. There would be problems if the people migrated from Appalachia and spoke English. The schools and medical centers are overwhelmed. If the "jobs that don't require an education" exist in such large numbers that you need to increase the population of a city from 70,000 to 85,000 approximately, the companies need to provide some infrastructure. We can't keep bringing people in with little or no vetting. I do not believe they congregated because of jobs. If so, why only Haitians? This happened because our Southern Border is wide open.
Gosh that's really kind of funny. First I live an hour and a half from the Mexican border have many friends living in the San Diego area. Nobody I know or have I seen massive amounts of people coming over the borders. Frankly, as someone who used to work in factories and run them we could use the labor. It's also a community problems not a company problem. The city leaders need to step up and spend some money and get infrastructure and housing built. They approved or encouraged these companies to come there or expand they should of anticipated the resource needs to support this.
2.5 million people a year (1% of the current US population) are not easily assimilated. Also, I find it difficult to believe that manufactures in Springfield Ohio (and other similar cities) needed 15,000 unskilled workers over the past 4 years.
Homeland security estimates 1.7 million last year with 742,000 being deported. Population of the US is 333 million. Even at your bogus 2.2 million it's not 1% of the U.S. population. Every manufacturer I know is trying to hire. Almost any retailer I've seen is actively trying to hire. Last year we created 800,000 manufacturing jobs. That doesn't include the down stream jobs that they create. I don't think you actually have a clue at how hard it is to hire and retain workers today.
I live in the Twin Cities area, 1200 miles from the border and we have them here. You can find them on many street corners in Minneapolis. They move here seeking employment or benefits. Once settled they are followed by family and friends. Just as immigrants have throughout US history, (the Irish, Italians, and Jews). You can still find remnants throughout the US. That is why there are so many in Springfield Ohio.
If you don't see them, you are either blind or full of shit.
We have street peddlers on the corners. No way do I know their immigration status or do you. Right down the street from me is where the construction day laborers hang out. Most of who have hung there for years. I've had friends and ex-employees do the day labor stuff when they were between jobs. Overall, the total number is about half of what it was pre covid. As for being full of it that's a matter of opinion. My question is what are you so angry about?
These are not peddlers or day labors. They are newly arrived. Many lack proper clothing, or shelter for the climate. This is Minnesota it gets cold. If they freeze to death does there immigration status really matter?
I have employed dozens of immigrants legal and ones I knew were illegal, but their paperwork checked out, and I needed the help. Me calling you out for pretending the problem does not exist dose not mean I am angry. And hiding your head in the sand does not make you compassionate.
The author says dumped, so your suggesting is like how Texas was hiring planes and buses to bring immigrants to NYC done as an political stunt? I still haven't seen any clear correlation disputing that they amassed where they had familiar people and available jobs, vs the being "dumped" metaphor used in the article DS references sans citations. The appears more like an place where the problem was convenient to let fester instead of govern a way out that addressed all of the parties responsible to solution.
So far, there seems to be a dearth of information describing exactly how that sort of thing is taking place.
My take…
Many Haitian people feel threatened by current conditions in that country brought about by a combination of natural disasters and a failure by their leaders to prevent extremely violent social and civil unrest.
My feeling is that it doesn’t take long for word to go about, in Haiti as well as among Haitians already arrived in the United States, that given a choice, Springfield, Ohio, is where they will likely want to go.
Springfield, Ohio, has a relatively new community of Haitians that:
… speak French and/or Haitian Creole.
… have acquired jobs, many of which require no special skills or formal education.
… are able to find someplace to call home.
… and can obtain some level of assistance from both private and public agencies.
At least…
…. this is what I believe many recent Haitian emigres are hearing through social media as well as directly from friends, relatives and acquaintances already living and working in Springfield.
With this in mind, it appears that quite a number of Haitian immigrants will be finding their way to Springfield simply because they have no idea of where else to go.
So then…
Are newly arrived Haitians simply being ‘dumped’ in Springfield, Ohio, by a government entity here in the United States?
I don’t think so…
Those with wherewithal may well make their way to Springfield on their own.
Others will, of course, be requiring some level of assistance
Would those charged with aiding newly arrived Haitian emigres in their journey to a new life here in America …
… and being aware that Springfield already had a well established and apparently thriving Haitian community …
… try and dissuade them from choosing to go there?
If I were that person, I would just finish processing their paperwork and then say:
If, and only if, you can tolerate seeing animal abuse please watch the part with the man sucking the blood out of the kitten and tell me if it resembles Springfield or anywhere in the USA. I can’t look at it again. I am hoping to read this is CGI. https://youtu.be/J5YJ6Bt_XK8
Yes, Ohio is full of Republicans and Republican politicians running the state. So what? You know how the Haitians came in the US? The southern border, which is wide open due to a federal government ran by democrats. It’s as almost if this problem wouldn’t exist if the border wasn’t wide open.
I think Ryan's focus on the lack of hard evidence of the claims of pet slaughter misses the point which is the legacy media didn't cover what's going on the ground in Springfield and places like this. It took this stupid meme to expose the suffering of people by open borders policies.
Curious if someone could ask a sampling of parks employees about ducks and geese.
After the earthquake in Haiti there were shortages of fuel and food.
Talking to a man who went as part of a relief organization, he explained that the people walked farther and farther to cut wood then any plant matter to burn for cooking. Any possible animal or bird was trapped for food or bait.
With the trees gone, the rain washed soil into the sea and killed many fish. Farther out, the Chinese trawlers took every living thing from the bottom of the sea to the surface, and the drag net rollers smashed the bottom ecology. Inedible creatures were still taken (maybe as fertilizer?). Now on land, mosquitoes flourished and killed off remaining birds and animals. The agencies brought flour leading to malnutrition. From this we can see that eating a friendly duck seems kind of normal.
Guinea pigs are a pet here and a delicacy widely consumed in Peru and Ecuador. Dogs have been a menu staple for eons in China and Korea and India. It's probably best not to get too twitchy about "eating pets" as a general rule, but if action really needs to be taken in specific US communities, then the way to do that is the way that we've always done things. Talk to your legislators, get them to pass laws prohibiting it, and there's the civilized way to handle the problem. Until and unless those laws are passed, remember that Americans do a lot of things that people in other cultures fine repugnant. By all means protect your pets if you think it's necessary in the meantime.
This single instance should remind us of the importance of what Ryan is doing. The scope and scale of information disorder has become exponential. "Information disorder syndrome is the sharing or developing of false information with or without the intent of harming - categorized as misinformation, disinformation and malinformation". If you search for and read "The disaster of misinformation: a review of research in social media" this rumor is only one instance of a very large scale social problem. If we want to point fingers- "The firehose of falsehood, also known as firehosing, is a propaganda technique in which a large number of messages are broadcast rapidly, repetitively, and continuously over multiple channels (like news and social media) without regard for truth or consistency. An outgrowth of Soviet propaganda techniques, the firehose of falsehood is a contemporary model for Russian propaganda under Russian President Vladimir Putin." Wikipedia.
Erika Lee is quoted recently as saying she didn't intend to have her tweet blow up and was surprised when it did. Did she actually think she was whispering some salacious gossip in her best friend's ear? She should know better, that internet is a dangerous place. Maybe she's learned her lesson. Maybe.
Around here in Eugene, Oregon, we don’t see many Haitians, but there’s been a noticeable increase in homeless men and Mexican nationals coming into our small town. Has this happened to anyone else?
Hey Ryan, I was terminated yesterday so I'm going around and reducing expenses where I can. I really like your stream/substack/content and will hang on as long as I can to support you. But being poverty-level, I don't know how long that will be...
Per the linked video from a March 12, 2024 Springfield OH City Council Meeting (seven-months ago), Mayor Rob Rue and the rest of the City Council had heard about domesticated animals being "taken advantage of" [eaten? abused?] by the recent immigrants settled in Springfield. Something is going on there, perhaps time for Ryan to do another field trip to Ohio? Interesting meta question - what is "proof"? Video of a cat being skinned & eaten occurring? Sworn affidavits? On video interview of witness(es)? https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxZXPKgjZvpGL3NFw89_QFHIuXoss6shFi
If anyone has a stronger stomach than I do, please watch the video and tell me it’s filmed in Ghana (where they eat cats) and not USA. Or tell me it is CGI. I cannot watch it again. Nightmare material. Is it Russian CGi??
This is the worse video I have ever seen on YouTube.
I unfortunately lived in Haiti as a kid, my parents were marine biologists. Many wonderful places and people in the Caribbean; however, we left Haiti inside 3 months with a quickness. Very dangerous even in the eighties. I remember two things. Near total Lack of trees and red mud everywhere. The land was completely destroyed from over exploitation. Cross into Dominica and it’s completely different. Jamaica at this time was wonderful, where we spent the most time. That area has also taken a nose dive into crime. Haitians ate mostly chickens and fish. Jamaicans ate chickens, fish, goats, cows, land crabs. I don’t remember cats or dogs being on the menu ever and we were surrounded by normal average people. This eating pets thing is shit…. Now next to ODU there was the cheapest Chinese food joint around, 1qt chicken fried rice for 1.99 in 2000. Great deal. They actually got caught killing cats and putting it in the fried rice. So I ate cat, tastes like rabbit or chicken leg. Not something I like to remember though.
Going on an immigrant eats pets trope during election is just low. Plenty of real things to go after in immigration, drugs, crime, driving w/o licenses, dui’s etc but eating pets common.
Now you know who eats pets? Russian vdv from Buryatia and I have proof of that. Ammo boxes filled with skinned animals amongst the shit they left abandoned along the Kyiv Yirpin ring road and Zhotomyr highway.
That said I have seen people swack geese in Walmart stormwater ponds in Norfolk, funny I thought because I was a USFWS intern then, wanted to point out that it’s a federal crime. Honestly we killed migratory birds that refused to migrate so my give a shit meter wasn’t high. If you want to eat heavy metal infused air rats like seagulls or pond geese you Must be pretty desperate. I’ve seen homeless do this too. It’s pretty much doing everyone a public service whether you
Like it or not,
“…heavy metal infused air rats…” :-)
NYC pigeons = gutter eagles.
I’m told if you cook a Canada goose the pot tastes better.
Canada Geese not fed corn taste awful.I base this on talking to a man shooting geese behind my house when I was little. He said the geese are stringy and smell like swamp due to eating from ponds. He explained you melt away fat, throw it away, replace with chicken fat, then add lots of cranberries, grapes, etc. Does it taste good then? No, still not good.
Mmm, I’ll agree that this is an exaggeration regarding pets being eaten, but there’s a lot of serious issues going on with all those Haitians dumped off in Springfield, Ohio and the same is happening elsewhere, like Pennsylvania as ex CIA operations officer Sam Faddis wrote about as well…
You clearly haven't internalised even the first few minutes of Ryan's video - they weren't "dumped", they congregated there by the concentration of jobs which don't require education.
I'm sure you read the article that DS linked to. There are real problems caused by the influx of people. There would be problems if the people migrated from Appalachia and spoke English. The schools and medical centers are overwhelmed. If the "jobs that don't require an education" exist in such large numbers that you need to increase the population of a city from 70,000 to 85,000 approximately, the companies need to provide some infrastructure. We can't keep bringing people in with little or no vetting. I do not believe they congregated because of jobs. If so, why only Haitians? This happened because our Southern Border is wide open.
Gosh that's really kind of funny. First I live an hour and a half from the Mexican border have many friends living in the San Diego area. Nobody I know or have I seen massive amounts of people coming over the borders. Frankly, as someone who used to work in factories and run them we could use the labor. It's also a community problems not a company problem. The city leaders need to step up and spend some money and get infrastructure and housing built. They approved or encouraged these companies to come there or expand they should of anticipated the resource needs to support this.
2.5 million people a year (1% of the current US population) are not easily assimilated. Also, I find it difficult to believe that manufactures in Springfield Ohio (and other similar cities) needed 15,000 unskilled workers over the past 4 years.
Also, maybe you and your friends just are not looking hard enough. https://apnews.com/article/san-diego-border-asylum-biden-mexico-da1e7b7c81e4e58912deff6d36dbdb9e
How do Haitians with status have anything to do with the Southern boarder? You think they walked here?
Homeland security estimates 1.7 million last year with 742,000 being deported. Population of the US is 333 million. Even at your bogus 2.2 million it's not 1% of the U.S. population. Every manufacturer I know is trying to hire. Almost any retailer I've seen is actively trying to hire. Last year we created 800,000 manufacturing jobs. That doesn't include the down stream jobs that they create. I don't think you actually have a clue at how hard it is to hire and retain workers today.
I live in the Twin Cities area, 1200 miles from the border and we have them here. You can find them on many street corners in Minneapolis. They move here seeking employment or benefits. Once settled they are followed by family and friends. Just as immigrants have throughout US history, (the Irish, Italians, and Jews). You can still find remnants throughout the US. That is why there are so many in Springfield Ohio.
If you don't see them, you are either blind or full of shit.
We have street peddlers on the corners. No way do I know their immigration status or do you. Right down the street from me is where the construction day laborers hang out. Most of who have hung there for years. I've had friends and ex-employees do the day labor stuff when they were between jobs. Overall, the total number is about half of what it was pre covid. As for being full of it that's a matter of opinion. My question is what are you so angry about?
These are not peddlers or day labors. They are newly arrived. Many lack proper clothing, or shelter for the climate. This is Minnesota it gets cold. If they freeze to death does there immigration status really matter?
I have employed dozens of immigrants legal and ones I knew were illegal, but their paperwork checked out, and I needed the help. Me calling you out for pretending the problem does not exist dose not mean I am angry. And hiding your head in the sand does not make you compassionate.
The author says dumped, so your suggesting is like how Texas was hiring planes and buses to bring immigrants to NYC done as an political stunt? I still haven't seen any clear correlation disputing that they amassed where they had familiar people and available jobs, vs the being "dumped" metaphor used in the article DS references sans citations. The appears more like an place where the problem was convenient to let fester instead of govern a way out that addressed all of the parties responsible to solution.
‘Dumped off’ in Springfield?
How, exactly, is that being done?
So far, there seems to be a dearth of information describing exactly how that sort of thing is taking place.
My take…
Many Haitian people feel threatened by current conditions in that country brought about by a combination of natural disasters and a failure by their leaders to prevent extremely violent social and civil unrest.
My feeling is that it doesn’t take long for word to go about, in Haiti as well as among Haitians already arrived in the United States, that given a choice, Springfield, Ohio, is where they will likely want to go.
Springfield, Ohio, has a relatively new community of Haitians that:
… speak French and/or Haitian Creole.
… have acquired jobs, many of which require no special skills or formal education.
… are able to find someplace to call home.
… and can obtain some level of assistance from both private and public agencies.
At least…
…. this is what I believe many recent Haitian emigres are hearing through social media as well as directly from friends, relatives and acquaintances already living and working in Springfield.
With this in mind, it appears that quite a number of Haitian immigrants will be finding their way to Springfield simply because they have no idea of where else to go.
So then…
Are newly arrived Haitians simply being ‘dumped’ in Springfield, Ohio, by a government entity here in the United States?
I don’t think so…
Those with wherewithal may well make their way to Springfield on their own.
Others will, of course, be requiring some level of assistance
Would those charged with aiding newly arrived Haitian emigres in their journey to a new life here in America …
… and being aware that Springfield already had a well established and apparently thriving Haitian community …
… try and dissuade them from choosing to go there?
If I were that person, I would just finish processing their paperwork and then say:
Stay Well…
If, and only if, you can tolerate seeing animal abuse please watch the part with the man sucking the blood out of the kitten and tell me if it resembles Springfield or anywhere in the USA. I can’t look at it again. I am hoping to read this is CGI. https://youtu.be/J5YJ6Bt_XK8
Yes, Ohio is full of Republicans and Republican politicians running the state. So what? You know how the Haitians came in the US? The southern border, which is wide open due to a federal government ran by democrats. It’s as almost if this problem wouldn’t exist if the border wasn’t wide open.
I think Ryan's focus on the lack of hard evidence of the claims of pet slaughter misses the point which is the legacy media didn't cover what's going on the ground in Springfield and places like this. It took this stupid meme to expose the suffering of people by open borders policies.
JD Vance explains this better than I have https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2024/09/12/jd-vance-delivered-a-masterful-response-to-the-haitians-eating-pets-in-ohio-story-n2644628
They're eating the dogs! They're eating the cats! They're taking the hobbits to Isengard! (3x)
Curious if someone could ask a sampling of parks employees about ducks and geese.
After the earthquake in Haiti there were shortages of fuel and food.
Talking to a man who went as part of a relief organization, he explained that the people walked farther and farther to cut wood then any plant matter to burn for cooking. Any possible animal or bird was trapped for food or bait.
With the trees gone, the rain washed soil into the sea and killed many fish. Farther out, the Chinese trawlers took every living thing from the bottom of the sea to the surface, and the drag net rollers smashed the bottom ecology. Inedible creatures were still taken (maybe as fertilizer?). Now on land, mosquitoes flourished and killed off remaining birds and animals. The agencies brought flour leading to malnutrition. From this we can see that eating a friendly duck seems kind of normal.
Guinea pigs are a pet here and a delicacy widely consumed in Peru and Ecuador. Dogs have been a menu staple for eons in China and Korea and India. It's probably best not to get too twitchy about "eating pets" as a general rule, but if action really needs to be taken in specific US communities, then the way to do that is the way that we've always done things. Talk to your legislators, get them to pass laws prohibiting it, and there's the civilized way to handle the problem. Until and unless those laws are passed, remember that Americans do a lot of things that people in other cultures fine repugnant. By all means protect your pets if you think it's necessary in the meantime.
“My neighbor” -a friend- “daughter” -of a friend- “ friend” -of a friend-
That’s the exact count for rumor generation!
This single instance should remind us of the importance of what Ryan is doing. The scope and scale of information disorder has become exponential. "Information disorder syndrome is the sharing or developing of false information with or without the intent of harming - categorized as misinformation, disinformation and malinformation". If you search for and read "The disaster of misinformation: a review of research in social media" this rumor is only one instance of a very large scale social problem. If we want to point fingers- "The firehose of falsehood, also known as firehosing, is a propaganda technique in which a large number of messages are broadcast rapidly, repetitively, and continuously over multiple channels (like news and social media) without regard for truth or consistency. An outgrowth of Soviet propaganda techniques, the firehose of falsehood is a contemporary model for Russian propaganda under Russian President Vladimir Putin." Wikipedia.
It's a sad comment on the state of the union that you had to make this video, but I am certainly glad that you are here to make them.
Erika Lee is quoted recently as saying she didn't intend to have her tweet blow up and was surprised when it did. Did she actually think she was whispering some salacious gossip in her best friend's ear? She should know better, that internet is a dangerous place. Maybe she's learned her lesson. Maybe.
Around here in Eugene, Oregon, we don’t see many Haitians, but there’s been a noticeable increase in homeless men and Mexican nationals coming into our small town. Has this happened to anyone else?
Would you write that someone with a gunshot wound had been shotted?
Grammar Police
"To Correct and to Serve"
Hey Ryan, I was terminated yesterday so I'm going around and reducing expenses where I can. I really like your stream/substack/content and will hang on as long as I can to support you. But being poverty-level, I don't know how long that will be...
Per the linked video from a March 12, 2024 Springfield OH City Council Meeting (seven-months ago), Mayor Rob Rue and the rest of the City Council had heard about domesticated animals being "taken advantage of" [eaten? abused?] by the recent immigrants settled in Springfield. Something is going on there, perhaps time for Ryan to do another field trip to Ohio? Interesting meta question - what is "proof"? Video of a cat being skinned & eaten occurring? Sworn affidavits? On video interview of witness(es)? https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxZXPKgjZvpGL3NFw89_QFHIuXoss6shFi
If anyone has a stronger stomach than I do, please watch the video and tell me it’s filmed in Ghana (where they eat cats) and not USA. Or tell me it is CGI. I cannot watch it again. Nightmare material. Is it Russian CGi??
This is the worse video I have ever seen on YouTube.