All Hamas & Iran have accomplished is to unite a politically divided Israel and secure Netanyahu’s position as a wartime PM. Like Putin, Hamas & Iran have bitten off more than they can chew.

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Definitely united Israel. But once the dust settles there's going to be plenty of blame and finger pointing. I live in Tel Aviv and there's a lot of additional anger directed towards Netanyahu. HIs legacy is permanently stained by this and he knows it. A lot of heads rolled after the '73 war, and this is much worse.

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Hey, Dave. It’s my sincere hope that you and everyone you know is safe and well. I don’t disagree w/ your thesis but I have a slightly nuanced take. Just read in NYTimes that the centrist opposition party has declared the need for a coalition government to lead during this war. It matters how this ends. A plainly victorious Israel and a weakened Hamas and Iran could enshrine Netanyahu for years. I think back to Bush on 9/10/01. He was unpopular and headed toward a tough presidency until 9/11. On 9/12 he was a wartime president which is a synonym for another term in office. Stay safe. Victory for Israel!

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I don't think we can reasonably expect Hamas to abide by the Geneva Convention except when demanding proper treatment of their own. The psyche of the Arab is different to that of the Anglo-European; they do think differently and there are of course many reasons for this, culturally, religiously, geo-politically, economically and so forth. The IDF isn't the most law-abiding on the battlefield either although I would say overall I would rather be a prisoner of the IDF than Hamas. The prolific use of female draftees by the IDF will once again bite them on the arse I think as there is something especially wrong watching the treatment of that young woman; at least to this father of five girls and one boy. As for the lack of canteens; that means either they were expecting to rehydrate from captured sources, didn't expect to be away from supplies for more than a few hours or simply didn't think of it which my experience suggests the most likely. The Arab certainly doesn't lack the ability to plan complex operations, to conduct them or the courage to fight tenaciously but don't expect western standards of discipline and organisation, either. Very glad I'm a paid supporter; Ryan is a source I feel I can trust and this new crises will bring out the very worst in our mainstream media reportage, rest assured.

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Frankly, this attack caught the IDF completely off guard. These IDF soldiers were thus completely unprepared for a fight. This is a failure of the Israeli intelligence services, NOT of the women who serve in the IDF. It does not matter if the women in the video was an IDF soldier or a civilian. HAMAS doesn't discriminate between soldiers or civilians. they don't even discriminate between Israelis and foreign tourists who happen to be in Israel. Such is the case that a German women tourist who was attending a music festival in Israel, near the Gaza border when the attack occurred. She was captured by HAMAS as seen in a video with her naked unconscious body in a truck.


This is the unfortunate reality of war. A woman who is captured by an organization like HAMAS is likely to be raped regardless. Israel is such a small country that any attack could enter an Israeli settlement, putting any Israeli women (soldier or civilian) in danger. Thus, it is better to have armed women who can defend themselves. Additionally Israel is Surrounded by enemies and completely outnumbered, thus they need every soldier they can get.

I am sure there will be Israeli women soldiers/reservists who will rise up to heroically defend their country in this crisis.

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No doubt the IDF needs every soldier and I'm sure that the women who serve do so well. I also agree that the IDF was caught off guard and any unit on a weekend in any army anywhere will be a soft target. There is still controversy over the deployment of women in dangerous areas and more active roles but as you said, it is a matter of survival for the country. I also agree with your point about how they don't discriminate between armed combatants and unarmed civilians. As I said in my post, the Arab mentality is very different to the Anglo-European. My great uncle was in the Palestine Police from 1937 to 1948 and he once told me the "Arabs are all heart and no head and the Jews are all head and no heart". Obviously a generalisation but I have found he is pretty much on the money as far as the accuracy of stereotyping goes. While I feel very sorry for those murdered, raped and brutally treated by Hamas, I also feel sorry for what is coming down on the average Palestinian inhabitant of Gaza who might not be supportive of this action and prefer to live in peace.

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Perry I was very lucky to have served with both male and females. I previously held the false belief that females where not meant to serve. I was wrong. I would be happy to serve alongside them again. Most of us would rather die fighting than get captured... that went for both sexes, and I had zero doubt they would. Like you said later Israel doesn’t have the option to pick and chose with their few relative numbers anyways.

As far as you repeatedly saying “the Arab” likely says more about your mindset than it does theirs.

Arabs did Not perpetrate this Evil. Terrorist Thugs who slimmed their way into Political power did. I’m all for Israel Serving Justice to all that played a part, but they also need to look at their own actions that helped foster the willingness of thousands of men to choose such evil. This didn’t happen I’m a innocent vacuum. This happened in generations growing up under apartheid conditions. This cycle will only continue back and forth unless they both break the cycle.

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Yes, the ones responsible, as always, are not the ones who suffer. I use the term 'Arab' merely as a descriptor, certainly not in any derogatory way. The motivations for conducting such actions are indeed complex and there is blood on all hands going back generations. Two wrongs never make a right. Hamas, those 'Terrorist Thugs who slimmed their way into Political power', surely didn't think they could do this and not suffer retribution? They knowingly poked one hell of a pissed off and very powerful bear and sadly the ordinary Palestinian will pay the price. The policies and actions of successive Israeli (and particularly Zionist) governments and organisations played their part in the whole thing and so many ordinary Israelis are paying the price of that. You raised the $64,000 Question... how do they break this cycle?

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I knew how Israel was in 1979 and how the soldiers thought. Things have changed. Back then huge percentage of everyone was a reservist with his weapon at home. It seems not even the military base had weapons handy. The images such of the kids in cages and the little boy being poked with a stick as an adult makes pedophilic touches shows utter dehumanization of Israelis is in the conscious of Gazans. No doubt the people think Israel will tiptoe into Gaza and cheerfully get ambushed. I don’t think this will happen. Israel knows they can’t do that. I expect collective punishment. I am very sure the little boy from the video is dead or dying from rape as I write this.

I am sure the Hamas leaders are comfortable in their Dubai villas. They await the hundreds of millions of aid money to skim. They told the people all the Islamic world would help them exterminate the Jews, knowing this wasn’t going to happen. Israel let the tunnels flow, let ships deliver weapons. They will now cut water, electricity, and will grind up the enemy with collateral damage. The tunnels are probably already closed, if not by Israel then by Egypt who won’t want Hamas escaping into Egypt. The women and children kidnapped will mostly die. These are my bleak predictions based on my very old experiences in the region.

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Thank you Ryan. Another job well done. I made the mistake of going over to the Telegram channel hosting the videos. I had to turn it off when I saw the brutality. Unbelievable... clearly war crimes.

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Seriously dude, I do not know how you can dig through footage of the cesspool of humanity. Deepest respect and you will always have a sympathetic ear here if you need to vent.

You do not give yourself enough credit on the political side. You understand and see far more nuance than 90% out there and clearly show you have been following for awhile, or have a great network of people that have. Knowing what I know about you, pretty certain it is both.

Ryan, thank you for what you do. Positive thoughts for you.

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Keep the analysis coming Ryan. After hesistating I just sent you an annual subscription. I think with this increasingly unstable world you will have your work cut out for you.

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A Syrian professor of my said that you can't put Liberal Democracy in countries that have theocratic tendencies. Because it's not only "One Man, One Vote." It's always eventually... "One Man, One Vote, One Last Time." Meaning that religion is too powerful at "othering". (Every tyrant eventually creates his own "religion" that divides and consolidates power. The boogie man is almost always "The West".) And eventually one religious side will consolidate power via a vote. (Democracy). Then it will rig every vote after. Or do away with it completely. Because God said to. Islam commands that you surrender all of your life to Allah. This includes politics. There is no separation.

Islam lacks both a "new covenant" and an "enlightenment" in the past 1000 years. Any attempts to separate Islam from politics will always fail.

This is not make any judgements on how individuals choose to observe Islam. Every Muslim can observe in his/her own way. But once a critical mass it reached... human nature takes over. WITHOUT fail, or exception.

Nits to Pick:

You said "mostly". But the war in Ukraine started in 2014. Not 2022.

Russia is the mob boss. Don't think of it as a functioning government. Think of it as a crime family.

HAMAS didn't do this without some level of assurance that Putin was ok with it. There is a clear benefit to taking over the news cycle for Russia. Especially as winter approaches. The Yom Kippur War isn't the date/holiday I would pick. Nor what I think HAMAS would pick. Why now?

The years of planning suggest a small circle. With each part being compartmentalized practicing it's own thing. No one thing HAMAS did in the "Flood" was new. What's new is the coordination and audacity. That smells of Iran/Russia.

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Good analysis. I do, however think history will prove that Russia is behind the timing of this attack, and perhaps its financing, perhaps using Iran as a proxy.

The GOP loves to finance Israel and the GOP hardliners in the House would love to use it as an excuse to divert funding away from Ukraine.

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If you want to get really conspiritorial you could also think that Benjamin Netanyahu knew the attack was coming for obvious reasons. But I think both are unlikely.

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If you want to get REALLY conspiratorial, Donald Trump needs a distraction so he calls his daddy Vladdy. Vladdy calls Iran, Iran calls HAMAS. QED distraction. Too bad the people who count can do more than one thing at a time.

By the way, I am NOT saying this happened, it's more of an inductive reasoning exercise, why would Iran call HAMAS, because they got a call from Putin. Why would Putin call Iran, he got a call from Trump. Why would Trump call, to foment chaos. Now, every step in this chain fails Occam's razor. But it is REALLY conspiratorial.

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Netanyahu is definitely a corrupt and hawkish jackass. There's also some scuttle there's been mass resignations in Mossad and Shabak because their warnings were dismissed.

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Or the Dems in the Senate could tie Ukraine funding to an Israel support bill and make the GOP vote it down. If we help one, why not the other? However, I am not saying what is going on in Ukraine is the same, war is war, but this is obviously a much dirtier war.

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I'm not saying they shouldn't both get support (though Israel really shouldn't need any special support, they've been steadily getting US support since 1948). What I'm saying is, we shouldn't let Russia's attempt to make us forget Ukraine succeed, like it already seems to have. There's too many GOPers that are all too happy to be photographed with neo-nazies, yet still have a hard-on for funding Israel.

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I agree, and passing a bill funding both simultaneously would send a strong message that we will not forget.

Edit: I want to add that either way, a bill to support Israel needs to pass. HAMAS needs to be removed from the board. I couldn't even watch all the videos.

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There is a plan for a 3 way funding plan. Israel, Ukraine, and our border. But recently Kevin McCarthy said Israel needs more money than Ukraine because Israel has "nothing" and Ukraine has "9 billion dollars" and Israel has "nothing"... Guess he forgot the F-35's, F-15's, F-16's and Apaches. Not to mention the USS Gerald Ford sitting off the Eastern Mediterranean Sea or the additional F-35'S, F-15'S, F-16's and A-10's en route to to the region.

McCarthy mentioned giving more "Iron Dome" missiles to Israel. Is that not a Israel built system. What would we be providing to their system?

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Ryan thanks. Would you consider expanding these updates. A trusted source means trusted updates. Thanks again. Tom.

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What do you mean by expanding the updates?

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He probably means more often perhaps once or twice daily? My only other source for near realtime is Reddit.

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I know time is a premium, but it’s your analytics that distinguishes you above others. Yes I’d like to see more but I understand your commitments and constraints. A few of my goto’s; Jake, Cappy, Ward, Ringway Manchester, Alex (Sandbox) and Suchomimus. PS. If you ever go to Ft. Campbell (again) I’d ask you look up my grandson. He’s across the street from the 160th SOAR awaiting an invitation. He came in 1st on Air Assault a couple months back. I also sent your vid to my son on your TDY there. Very impressive presentation. Respect & regards, Tom. PS. Grandson is 22yo. W1, UH60. 153A.

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I have been subscribed for about a month. Is there something I am missing? In order to like. To like a video!? One needs to sign in? Then go and retrieve a password? It's an android phone. I don't care for steps that I perceive are unnecessary. I get a notification in the email. I click on it. Yet one still needs to log in?

It must be cranky old man thinking. I don't mind supporting Mr.McBeth. The process is utter BS.

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The massive Intel failure is really the key. When asked the IDF said “now isn’t the time to look at failures”, but in war understanding Intel failures and patching holes in your Intel is critical. Did the enemy develop new encryption that hid comms from you? Used different personnel? New bases? Etc. people suddenly flying paragliders around should have raised an alarm; and I gotta believe shipping 2000+ missiles has got to be pretty obvious just by the shear size of the weapons.

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One thing you did not touch on is the massive failure of intell. A operation this big plans over years with hundreds of people and they were caught completely off gard. There is a story / question there.

Ryan thanks again for your clear and compassionate reporting

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The Hamas incursions help Putin in that the Western focus is now split. Wouldn’t be surprised if Russia had a hand in it. As we know, he’s buying material from Iran. His payments could have been money or supplies that Iran has diverted to Hamas. He might have supplied intelligence such as satellite imagery of Israeli defenses, too. And this war diverts Israeli attention from Syria, Putin’s middle east proxy.

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Thank you Ryan and please do more.

7:28 could be her blood from wounds in the arm bleeding on the ground of the trunk. The car as you said is a military one so it's more likely that she was captured with the car then was driven to Gaza, once they reached a certain point they decided to take her to the back seat.

If your guess turned out to be right I would be deeply sad to see Hamas go down to Israel's standard in treating prisoners -if you don't believe me check yourself- , I'm seeing more and more videos suggests that is the case.

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After watching the video several times I’d have to agree with Ryan’s assumption. If you look at the wound on her left arm, the blood from the arm wound doesn’t look like it made it to her crotch area. The blood from her left arm doesn’t even look like it made it to the start of her lumbar spine area. The blood from her crotch area also looks more dried and pooled.

When I first saw this video on cnn I immediately noticed that area and I thought the same as Ryan. I hope that Ryan is wrong and that my initial thoughts/fears were wrong too. With that said the video looks really bad and if that woman/civilian/soldier/female human being was sexually assaulted, I hope that she can have the opportunity to get her vengeance.

Keep up the good hard work Ryan

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It looks like the ones sent to kidnap had body armor and the ones sent to kill and cause havoc did not.

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Because to deliver the "cargo" to Gaza they had to live. So, they got better PPE.

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Perhaps the 'snatch squads' were more specifically trained to capture so they can extract advantage from holding them. That woman seems to have been caught by an assault team, which may explain why she was violated; the assault teams not being as well equipped and trained and disciplined as the snatch squads. Speculation of course but...

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How in the world can a country that developed the Pegasus spyware be so inept as to not have any intelligence as to what was going to happen?

Not to mention the lack of redundancy in place that I know the USA has in contested areas. And I would venture to say that Gaza is probably the most contested area in the world.

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