Will the New York National Guard take Trump to Jail?
This is a lie that endangers New York soldiers and airmen
Several rumors have been spreading online that the New York National Guard is being mobilized in the event that New York City Police Officers call out sick to protest former President Trumps sentencing.
There is also a rumor that the New York National Guard is entering the city to enact martial law.
These are lies and they endanger the lives of New York National Guardsmen.
The New York National Guard has been a fixture of New York City Law enforcement since September of 2001, when they responded to Lower Manhattan.
This operation was eventually dubbed "Operation Empire Shield" and consists of armed New York National Guard forces acting as extra eyes and ears for the NYPD, Port Authority and Transit Police.
Note that the National Guard is a uniquely American military branch that descended from the state militia system. Many of these personnel are "citizen-soldiers" who hold normal civilian jobs, but serve one weekend a month and two weeks a year and can be activated for state or federal emergencies.
Laural Loomer lying about the National Guard:
Never ceases to amaze me the stupid things people will believe.
I would really like to see the presentation on disinformation that you gave. Provided there isn’t some exclusivity clause in the agreement to be at the convention (conference?).
Perhaps as a video on the Substack? Just askin’