The original graphic appeared on Twitter on July 25th, 2024 with the accusation that the graphic was pulled from the “Twitter API” on Okta.” This graphic insinuated that conservative accounts were subject to special “whitelisting” rules allowing them to use more graphic language.
I do not believe that the "whitelist" image is authentic for the following reasons:
1. The image is not in a standard JSON or XML format.
2. The whitelist would not be publicly available.
3. The whitelist would be more likely contained in a database for efficiency.
4. Prominent names are missing from the list.
5. There is a misspelling on the list.
The original graphic is here:
The removed account is here:
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Don't feel bad about API, it was about 7 years before I realised it was deprecated not depreciated... Felt like a real dunce having said the wrong thing out loud for years.
I agree that it doesn't appear to be genuine, though I think the point that a whitelist ought to have more accounts I disagree on. I think there's a world where Elon Musk has created his own favoured list that he manually updates himself. There was a reported story that I believe is true after watching a Johnny Harris that he spoke to first hand sources and confirmed. The story is that Elon gathered around 80 engineers and tasked them with giving himself a 1000x amplifier within the twitter feed algorithm. He has since then retweeted and replied in a way that I view as being a biased amplification of conservative accounts. He is also donating 45 million a month to a superPAC with the intention of promoting conservative politics (there was a recent deceptive statement that the reports on 45 million a month donation was false, it was false in that he is not donating directly to Trump but it is true that he is still donating to a superPAC).
Given the above facts both relevant to the specific story and wider context, I think that a video titled "Is Twitter Promoting Conservative Accounts?" is disappointing as it only addresses a portion of a larger narrative, and it only serves to disprove. I think the title is a bit misleading here, as an uninformed viewer may take away that twitter is therefore unlikely to be promoting conservative accounts. I would love to see a deeper dive on the other topics from you, especially as I have seen both the personal twitter account amplification and 45 million a month donation stories challenged!
Before Elon Musk took over Twitter, it was controlled by the left, and if you were conservative, you would get censored or banned, experienced this personally. Now with Elon, it’s more balanced, which really pisses off the left.